The following items are available by contacting a Novo Nordisk RBCL:
Preparing for bleeds, whenever and wherever they happen.
Preparing for Bleeds: Hemophilia A with Inhibitors
It’s important to keep treatment with you to stop unexpected bleeds. This brochure highlights the effectiveness of NovoSeven® RT as part of a hemophilia A with inhibitors treatment plan.
Preparing for Bleeds: Glanzmann’s Thrombasthenia
It’s important to keep treatment with you to stop unexpected bleeds. This brochure highlights the effectiveness of NovoSeven® RT as part of a Glanzmann’s thrombasthenia treatment plan when platelets don’t work.
Preparing for Bleeds: Factor VII Deficiency
It’s important to keep treatment with you to stop unexpected bleeds. This brochure highlights the effectiveness of NovoSeven® RT as part of a factor VII deficiency treatment plan.
Factor VII Deficiency (Spanish)
This Spanish brochure is designed for people with factor VII deficiency. It covers the basics of this condition, signs and symptoms, available treatments, and more.
Glanzmann’s Thrombasthenia (Spanish)
This Spanish brochure provides in-depth information about Glanzmann’s thrombasthenia with resistance to platelets and the effectiveness of NovoSeven® RT in treating this condition.
Hemophilia Dictionary
This handy reference defines common terms used when talking about various bleeding disorders, with statistics and other facts that may help increase your understanding and awareness.
Patient advocacy groups.
Hemophilia Federation of America (HFA)
Connecting people affected by bleeding disorders to others in their community, while advocating for the development of safe and affordable treatment options.
National Bleeding Disorders Foundation (NBDF)
The largest nonprofit organization dedicated to education, advocacy, and research of inheritable bleeding disorders.
Comprehensive Health Education Services (CHES)
Providing education and support to individuals and families living with bleeding disorders.
World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH)
Committed to improving and sustaining excellent care for people with bleeding disorders across the world.
Materials available through a Novo Nordisk Rare Blood Community Liaison (RBCL):

Your Bleed ID Kit is packed full of educational materials and resources to help you be prepared for bleeds and advocate for your own treatment.
![Ready-to-Travel Case for NovoSeven® RT (Coagulation Factor VIIa [Recombinant])](/content/dam/novonordisk/novoseven/how-we-can-help/travel-case.png)
This portable and reusable travel case makes storing supplies easy, at home or while traveling.

Interested in these items?
Your Rare Blood Community Liaison (RBCL) is here to ship you helpful kits, answer your questions about NovoSeven® RT, and connect you with other resources to help you manage your bleeding disorder.