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Hear from real people who say they've found the right treatment for them.

Through these stories of people who use NovoSeven® RT, you'll learn about quick access to treatment and fast infusion, as well as the impact of MixPro® and compact packaging on their lifestyles.

Hear from real people who say they've found the right treatment for them.

Through these stories of people who use NovoSeven® RT, you'll learn about quick access to treatment and fast infusion, as well as the impact of MixPro® and compact packaging on their lifestyles.


  • Community advocate
  • Lives with Glanzmann’s thrombasthenia with resistance to platelets
  • Meet Cathy thumbnail

    Meet Cathy

    Cathy is a psychology major who has a passion for supporting the bleeding disorders community, especially other women living with Glanzmann’s thrombasthenia. She enjoys sharing her story about living with GT and chooses NovoSeven® RT because it’s quick to infuse at home and backed by 35+ years of experience.


  • 23 years old
  • Psychology student and community advocate
  • Lives with Glanzmann’s thrombasthenia with resistance to platelets
  • Meet Cathy thumbnail

    Meet Cathy

    Cathy is a psychology major who has a passion for supporting the bleeding disorders community, especially other women living with Glanzmann’s thrombasthenia. She enjoys sharing her story about living with GT and chooses NovoSeven® RT because it’s quick to infuse at home and backed by 35+ years of experience.


  • Photographer and web designer
  • Lives with hemophilia A with inhibitors
  • Meet Justin thumbnail

    Meet Justin

    In this video, Justin, who lives with hemophilia A with an inhibitor, talks about his love of travel, and how NovoSeven® RT fits in when he’s living life on the go. The compact packaging of NovoSeven® RT allows him to take it along when he's traveling internationally.


  • 29 years old
  • Photographer and web designer
  • Lives with hemophilia A with inhibitors
  • Meet Justin thumbnail

    Meet Justin

    In this video, Justin, who lives with hemophilia A with an inhibitor, talks about his love of travel, and how NovoSeven® RT fits in when he’s living life on the go. The compact packaging of NovoSeven® RT allows him to take it along when he's traveling internationally.


  • Loves to go to the playground after school
  • Lives with hemophilia A with inhibitors
  • Meet Chase thumbnail

    Meet Chase

    Chase was diagnosed with hemophilia A as an infant and later developed an inhibitor. In this video, Chase and his grandmother discuss his favorite activities and how the quick infusion time and portability of NovoSeven® RT fit into their lives.


  • 7 years old
  • Loves to go to the playground after school
  • Lives with hemophilia A with inhibitors
  • Meet Chase thumbnail

    Meet Chase

    Chase was diagnosed with hemophilia A as an infant and later developed an inhibitor. In this video, Chase and his grandmother discuss his favorite activities and how the quick infusion time and portability of NovoSeven® RT fit into their lives.


  • Traveler
  • Lives with factor VII deficiency
  • Meet Taylor thumbnail

    Meet Taylor

    Taylor, who lives with factor VII deficiency, loves to travel. Find out how the quick reconstitution of NovoSeven® RT fits in with the things she likes to do.


  • 20 years old
  • Student and traveler
  • Lives with factor VII deficiency
  • Meet Taylor thumbnail

    Meet Taylor

    Taylor, who lives with factor VII deficiency, loves to travel. Find out how the quick reconstitution of NovoSeven® RT fits in with the things she likes to do.


  • Likes to travel and hike
  • Lives with Glanzmann’s thrombasthenia with resistance to platelets
  • Meet Kali thumbnail

    Meet Kali

    In this video, you’ll hear from Kali about living with Glanzmann’s thrombasthenia with resistance to platelets and how she takes NovoSeven® RT along when she’s on the go.


  • 20 years old
  • Likes to travel and hike
  • Lives with Glanzmann's thrombasthenia (GT) with refractoriness to platelets
  • Meet Kali thumbnail

    Meet Kali

    In this video, you’ll hear from Kali about living with Glanzmann’s thrombasthenia with resistance to platelets and how she takes NovoSeven® RT along when she’s on the go.

Icon: 5-step purification process of NovoSeven® RT (Coagulation Factor VIIa [Recombinant])

Recombinant manufacturing

minimizes risk of viral contamination.

Illustration: Removing syringe cap

New to treatment? It’s

easy to get started.

Syringe and vials of NovoSeven® RT (Coagulation Factor VIIa [Recombinant])


NovoSeven® RT?

Selected Important Safety Information

What is the most important information I should know about NovoSeven® RT?

NovoSeven® RT may cause serious side effects, including:

  • Serious blood clots that form in veins and arteries with the use of NovoSeven® RT have been reported
  • Your healthcare provider should discuss the risks and explain the signs and symptoms of blood clots to you. Some signs of a blood clot may include pain, swelling, warmth, redness, or a lump in your legs or arms, chest pain, shortness of breath, or sudden severe headache and/or loss of consciousness or function
  • Your healthcare provider should monitor you for blood clots during treatment with NovoSeven® RT

What is NovoSeven® RT?

NovoSeven® RT (coagulation Factor VIIa, recombinant) is an injectable medicine used for:

  • Treatment of bleeding and prevention of bleeding for surgeries and procedures in adults and children with hemophilia A or B with inhibitors, congenital Factor VII (FVII) deficiency, and Glanzmann’s thrombasthenia with a decreased or absent response to platelet transfusions
  • Treatment of bleeding and prevention of bleeding for surgeries and procedures in adults with acquired hemophilia

Important Safety Information

What is the most important information I should know about NovoSeven® RT?

NovoSeven® RT may cause serious side effects, including:

  • Serious blood clots that form in veins and arteries with the use of NovoSeven® RT have been reported
  • Your healthcare provider should discuss the risks and explain the signs and symptoms of blood clots to you. Some signs of a blood clot may include pain, swelling, warmth, redness, or a lump in your legs or arms, chest pain, shortness of breath, or sudden severe headache and/or loss of consciousness or function
  • Your healthcare provider should monitor you for blood clots during treatment with NovoSeven® RT
  • You should not use NovoSeven® RT if you have ever had allergic (hypersensitivity) reactions, including severe, whole body reactions (anaphylaxis) to NovoSeven® RT, any of its ingredients, or mice, hamsters, or cows. Signs of allergic reaction include shortness of breath, rash, itching (pruritus), redness of the skin (erythema), or fainting/dizziness

What should I tell my healthcare provider before using NovoSeven® RT?

  • Tell your healthcare provider if you have any of the following, as these may increase your risk of blood clots:
    • congenital hemophilia and are also receiving treatment with aPCCs (activated prothrombin complex concentrates)
    • are an older patient particularly with acquired hemophilia and receiving other agents to stop bleeding
    • history of heart or blood vessel diseases
  • Tell your healthcare provider and pharmacist about all the medicines you take, including all prescription and non-prescription medicines, such as over-the-counter medicines, supplements, or herbal remedies

What are the possible side effects of NovoSeven® RT?

  • The most common and serious side effects are blood clots
  • Tell your healthcare provider about any side effects that bother you or do not go away, and seek medical help right away if you have signs of a blood clot or allergic reaction

Please click here for Prescribing Information